Woman sitting meditating on a bridge and thinking about empowering women through trauma recovery

Empowering Women Through Trauma Recovery

The empowerment of women is a critical issue worldwide, and one facet of this involves helping women recover from traumatic experiences. In Colorado, various initiatives focus on providing comprehensive behavioral health treatment for women who have experienced trauma. Trauma is a word that is often used casually and without proper context. Understanding the nature of…

woman sitting and thinking

What Is Grey Area Drinking?

When discussing alcohol consumption and its potential dangers, there lies a murky zone called “gray area drinking” (GAD). This concept is not clearly defined and often finds itself sandwiched between social and destructive drinking. It’s an issue that is becoming increasingly common among women—including Colorado women—necessitating an increase in women’s recovery addiction treatment resources. When…

Options for Addiction Treatment for Women

Options for Addiction Treatment for Women

It should come as no surprise that people are affected by addiction in vastly different ways from one another. When treating addiction, specifically substance use disorders (SUDs), it’s integral to keep close the things that differentiate individuals from one another. Some differences that are more influential to how addiction develops include background, level of income,…